Your wife Antonina will want you to raid Caesaria (which is under Berber control) in order to get her some gems. You get an army every chapter end, so you will not be gimping yourself by taking one less army. Add on that Theodora’s penalty debuff, and you’re going to be hurting. An extra army is nice, but early on you don’t have the income to build up a third army.The Ostrogoth diplomatic bonus isn’t a “bonus” per se it just offsets the diplomatic damage done by trespassing and raiding for the mission. You have to raid an Ostrogoth province to complete the mission.You have to send one of your armies up to Italy from North Africa.The choice here is up to you as there are pros and cons to each one, but my personal preference is to reject the mission. You will also get a large boost to diplomatic relations with the Ostrogoths. Once the mission is completed, you will be awarded an army by Justinian with the temporary “no upkeep” buff.

If you accept the mission, you will receive a -5% income penalty to buildings for 50 turns.If you reject the mission, you will receive a +5% income bonus to buildings for 50 turns, as well as +2000 denarii.Justinian will task you with rescuing her, which will involve moving an army into Ostrogoth Kingdom territory.Įmpress Theodora will approach you to not take on Justinian’s mission. Also, dysentery will kill a lot of your men, which will sideline Beliarius’ army in the critical early stages of the campaign.Ī princess will be imprisoned by the Ostrogoths. The Well-Watered trait is nice considering you’ll start in North Africa where there is a lot of desert attrition areas, and there are plenty of battles to be had early on to reduce/negate the integrity penalty. If you don’t adopt, you gain an integrity buff, but Beliarius’ army becomes afflicted with dysentery, which lasts roughly 4 turns.Belisarius will also gain the Well-Watered trait, which prevents his commanded army from taking desert attrition. If you adopt, you will gain a general/statesman.As you get more armies, you will want to keep them farther away from each other.Īntonina, your wife, presents you with the first dilemma. The rivalry penalty isn’t awful (-10 food and -10% wealth generated) between two armies. One is the “field battle” army, and the other is the “siege” army. As a personal preference, I partner two armies together in different war theaters.Avoid building recruitment and workshop buildings until the proper infrastructure is set up first. Take the opportunity to build it up with food, market stalls, and an officer tent.
You get an army from Justinian every chapter (if you’re loyalist) which will be upkeep free for a while.There are only a few research options that open up horde-mode buildings, the rest really only benefit separatist campaigns (naval buildings, industry, etc.) So if you’re a loyalist, you will be focusing primarily on military research.

In 535 AD, around June or July, the Moors will appear. With the Roman Expedition in the south, it can potentially become a three front war for the Vandals, which ended with the faction destroyed before the end of Chapter 1 in my Legendary difficulty campaign. The start is easy enough the Vandals will be at war with the Sardinians to the north, and occasionally with the Berbers to the West. Led by Belisarius, this expeditionary force starts in Africa in the southern reaches of the Vandal Kingdom. One of the coolest features of “The Last Roman” DLC is the Roman Expedition faction, which is essentially a Roman Horde. V.1.0: Campaign basics, three political dilemmas